ANNU 141

Dr. Zahra Karimi
Dr. Zahra Karimi, a researcher at the Canadian Centre for Swine Improvement, will present a CGIL Seminar on Friday, October 4th. The seminar will begin at 1:30 PM in room 141 of the Animal Science & Nutrition building.
Zahra earned her Masters degree from the University of Tehran, Iran in 2010. Her Master's thesis focused on finding polymorphism in the complementary sex determination locus in Apis mellifera meda. After completion of her master thesis, she was awarded Erasmus Mundus Scholarship in 2011 to obtain a double Masters in Europe. The program included courses and projects at two different universities. In the first year, she attended Wageningen University, Netherlands and worked on the genetic analysis of longevity in dairy cattle using a social interaction model, under the supervision of Dr. Piter Bijma. For the second year, her project focused on genomic inbreeding levels in Taurine and Zebuine cattle, supervised by Prof. John Sölkner at the University of BOKU, Vienna, Austria. In 2014, she joined Centre for Genetic Improvement of Livestock (CGIL) as a Ph.D. student under the supervision of Dr. Flavio Schenkel. Her Ph.D. research was based on assessing haplotype-based approaches for genomic predictions in dairy cattle and swine, which she finished in April 2018. She joined the Canadian Center for Swine Improvement (CCSI) company as a post-doctoral researcher in January 2018.
The Centre for Genetic Improvement of Livestock welcomes all interested University of Guelph staff, faculty, students, as well as industry and academic collaborators to attend our CGIL Seminars, which are held on Friday afternoons throughout the Fall and Winter semesters. The meetings are always available remotely via Fuze, for those unable to attend in person, and presentation recordings may also be available after the seminar. Please let me know if you need further instruction on how to connect to Fuze or view available webinar recordings.
Have a great week!
Erin Massender and Kerry Houlahan
CGIL Seminar Coordinators,
Centre for Genetic Improvement of Livestock,
Department of Animal Biosciences
University of Guelph
Dr. Zahra Karimi
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