CCSAW Research Seminar
Date and Time

Our first CCSAW Research Seminar of the fall is just around the corner!
Dr. Aileen MacLellan, a postdoctoral fellow with the Canadian Council on Animal Care (CCAC), will be joining us in Guelph on September 27th. She recently completed her PhD at the University of Guelph, examining the effects of standard, barren housing on laboratory mice. Dr. MacLellan is now based at the Ottawa Health Research Institute, where she’s working with Dr Manoj Lalu on a collaborative project with the CCAC (thanks to a MITACS fellowship). Her current work investigates the impacts animal care committees have on research during the protocol review process.
On September 27th at 12:30pm EDT, Dr. MacLellan will present on the topic “Depressed, dysphoric or merely stressed: Do conventional laboratory cages induce affective disorders in mice?”
Please join us in person in LLC 1714 (coffee and dessert afterwards), or online via Zoom:
If you're attending for CE credits, please let us know.
And please share the poster with anyone interested too!