Special CGIL Seminar: "A Neuroepigenomic investigation of the bovine brain"
Date and Time
ANNU 141

Dr. Stephanie McKay, an Associate Professor at the University of Vermont, will present a Special CGIL Seminar on Thursday, February 6th. The seminar will begin at 10:00 AM in room 141 of the Animal Science & Nutrition building.
Dr. McKay received her undergraduate and Master’s degrees from Texas A&M University. She then ventured to the University of Alberta where she received her Ph.D. in Animal Science in 2007. After leaving Alberta she moved to the University of Missouri for a Postdoctoral Fellowship and subsequently began her faculty appointment at the University of Vermont in 2012. She is currently an Associate Professor of Genetics and Genomics in the Department of Animal and Veterinary Sciences at the University of Vermont. Stephanie’s lab performs genetic, genomic and epigenomic work with beef cattle and wildlife species.
The Centre for Genetic Improvement of Livestock welcomes all interested University of Guelph staff, faculty, students, as well as industry and academic collaborators to attend our CGIL Seminars, which are held on Friday afternoons throughout the Fall and Winter semesters. The meetings are always available remotely via Fuze, for those unable to attend in person, and presentation recordings may also be available after the seminar. Please let us know if you need further instructions on how to connect to Fuze or view available webinar recordings.
Have a great week!
Erin Massender and Kerry Houlahan