CGIL Seminar: Whole Genome Alignment: Algorithmic Aspects
Date and Time
Microsoft Teams

Good Afternoon CGIL,
We are very pleased to have Dr. Bacem Saada, a Senior Analyst at University of Guelph, to present a CGIL Seminar on Friday February 11th, 2021. The seminar will begin at 1:30 PM EDT/EST on the virtual platform Microsoft Teams. The title of the presentation is: “Whole Genome Alignment: Algorithmic Aspects”.
To join this seminar, please ensure you have downloaded the Microsoft Teams application to your computer, or join the meeting online by using the web browser version of Microsoft Teams. Please join the meeting with your microphone on mute and camera turned off. After the presentation, you can unmute the microphone, and optionally turn on the camera, if you wish to ask a question. Alternatively, should you wish to pose your question in the chat function, it will be monitored and asked to the presenter.
Connection information for the meeting has been sent via a Calendar invitation, additionally the meeting can be found at the link:
Speaker Biography: Bacem Saada holds a computer engineering degree from Tunisia. He also holds a Doctor of Engineering degree from Harbin Engineering University in China. Bacem’s PhD research focused on genomic data analysis and DNA sequences compression techniques. He is specialized in bioinformatics, data science and healthcare systems. Bacem worked as a Bioinformatician for two years at the Laboratory Microorganisms and Active Biomolecules in Tunisia. Between 2019 and 2021, Bacem was a postdoctoral scientist in the eighth affiliated hospital of Sun Yat-sen University in Shenzhen, China focusing on Cancer genomics (somatic mutations, rearrangement, SNV, structural variations analysis and genes fusion detection). Recently, Bacem joined the animal biosciences department as a Senior Analyst, Systems, Data & Research Technologies Leading the activities of the computer group.
Ivan Campos and Colin Lynch